A tall redhaired german moving to Madison, Wisconsin? Now that could develop into an interesting story, ay?! Any resemblance of the blog title to movie titles is fully intentional :)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Please, Mr. Bulger, pleeeeeaaaaase!

I need Marc Bulger (QB, St. Louis Rams) to score a minimum of 10 fantasy football points for me tonight in his match against Chicago, otherwise I would be eliminated in the 1st playoff round :'(

Thursday, December 07, 2006

It's friggin' cold out there

this morning - 7.30 am arriving to the lab - -14 degrees C, -26 degrees C felt (windchill) according to accuweather.com - should sit in the 70 degrees C-bath next to my peptide! Need some hot coffee ... brain's still frozen -.-

Monday, December 04, 2006

Ultra Concentrated Joy For Everyone

... is just what I need. They really sell everything in bottles, here in the US. Guess my flatmate didn't realize the joke he accidentially made.

Still wondering whether to drink it or rub it into my skin?!

Couple of impressions from New Glarus, a small town south of Madison. Originally a swiss settlement, obviously. They are brewing good beer there. Of course they started out with equipment from Germany :)

Could be Switzerland, but it ain't.

Still the souvenir shops sell the same crap as in Switzerland.