A tall redhaired german moving to Madison, Wisconsin? Now that could develop into an interesting story, ay?! Any resemblance of the blog title to movie titles is fully intentional :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


In the state elections yesterday, Wisconsin voted 51% against same-sex marriage (aka gay marriage)!
Very dissapointing, just very disspointing. Anyone who reads this and voted against gay marriage ... YOU SUCK, REDNECK HOSER!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Big City Lights

Met my sister Nora in NY for a couple of days, as she was on the way to a conference in Boston (yes, our family is very intelligent ... I am the only exception). Of course we had to do some touristy things like seeing Time Square, spitting down from the Empire State Building and some pocket picking in Grand Central Station ( NY is not cheap). NY seemed very crowded, quite hectic but very interesting. The 3 1/2 days that I had there, were definitely not enough, so I have to come back sometimes. Because I am a lazy bum, I do not write more, but let my fotos do the talking ... :P

General Electrics Building (Rockefeller Plaza)

St. Patrick's Cathedral is dwarfed by skyscrapers.

Phenomenal wooden ceiling in the NY Public Library ... and my sister Nora.

Empire State Building

Gand Central Station and Nora right in the middle.

Bending away ...

Skyline behind Central Park.

East River (from Empire State Building); the building with the spike, on the left is the Chrysler Building.

Downtown Manhattan (seen from the Empire State Building; the Flatiron Building in the foreground).

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge towards Manhattan.

Ground Zero

Statue of Liberty (seen from the Staten Island Ferry)

Broadway/Time Square

Dumplings (Chinatown)

A junction in Chinatown.

The Flatiron Building

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Back to normal

While on monday coming back from NY, I was greeted by a short outburst of indian summer (65 degrees Fahrenheit), now everything is back to normal. Riding my bike past a fountain this morning (7 am) I realized the surface was frozen and just now it was snowing for about 10 minutes. Whatever, off to the gym ...

Jajaaa, I will post pictures.