Baseball is ...
... just an excuse to drink too much beer, Frank says. I think he's absolutely right and just want to add, that you also have to eat a lot of junkfood, to soak up all that alcohol. Just to prove the point, there was half price beer and half price hotdogs for the first 5 innings at the Mallard's Game on monday.
Maybe it is also a tactic to keep people happy, coz, honestly, if you don't sit behind home plate you pretty much have no idea what's really going on with that game. Adding to the mobs entertainment are the little games in between innings, like a bat race or the so-called ice cream eating contest. Wikipedia's definition of eating competitions:
Competitive eating involves the consumption of large quantities of food in a short time period – typically 12 minutes or less. The type of food varies, although contests are primarily focused on fast food or dessert, items are almost always a single type of food such as hot dogs, pie, or mayonnaise.
Well, somehow the organizers got that totally wrong and the goal was to distribute the ice cream as evenly as possible ... everywhere, meaning the messiest kid won (see pic below).
... let the pictures do the talking ...
As the evening progressed, people became happier and happier (here: Tom).
Frank trying to do what most people do when they see a camera pointing at them ... hide (behind Steve). Unsuccessful, I might say :P
As the evening progressed, people became happier and happier (here: Tom).
Frank trying to do what most people do when they see a camera pointing at them ... hide (behind Steve). Unsuccessful, I might say :P
All in all, I would say the evening was a success. I had 4 hotdogs and a lot of beer (Jeet estimated 8-10) and a huuuuge headache the next day.
Who won? Uhmm, Mallards won 5:4 by scoring a double in the last inning. Not that it was important ...
Who won? Uhmm, Mallards won 5:4 by scoring a double in the last inning. Not that it was important ...
Indeed.... an excuse to drink. And in this case, an excuse to drink shitty beer. I want to do the bat race next time!
I believe "Real" is a brand of cheese.... but that doesn't rule out Daniel's plastic theory.
And chicken nuggets contain chicken... I believe I once heard this quantitated: 12 chickens make one millions nuggets.
I wasn't hiding behind Steve... I was trying to grab his ass.
3:03 PM
If you do the bat race, you should definitely eat 3-4 chili dogs beforehand! I'll bring the camera ... it can also do short movies, you know ^^
3:15 PM
I'll aim those regurgitated chili dogs right at the mascot
7:50 PM
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