A tall redhaired german moving to Madison, Wisconsin? Now that could develop into an interesting story, ay?! Any resemblance of the blog title to movie titles is fully intentional :)

Friday, July 07, 2006

OMG! Have mercy ...

... I dont deserve this!
Gilipollas haunt me!

Everything was fine in the lab until another german student arrived. Luke whom I shared the lab with first is a great lab mate: he is clean, helpful, refills stuff that he used etc. just a person with common sense.
You wanna know about the tonto aleman?
Here we go: 2nd day he was at work was actually the Soccer Match Ghana - USA (yeah about 2 weeks ago) that we watched with a couple of people. He comes in and asks me wether I had already had a look at my fumehood ... Oh, shit! He had blown up a reaction in MY hood the evening before, because he wanted to use a device that was in there (reflux condenser for the pros among you), but I shouldn't worry, he cleaned everything ... Well, it kind of looked clean, but since then it has that pink gleam (that guy is working with fluorescent substances) and I find more and more pink spots. Well in principle that is not a tragedy, but Luke told me later that he had told him NOT to do the reaction until his compound was really, really dry. Obviously he knew better. At that point in time I decided that guy must be an idiot!? Also he had been told NOT to try and dry his compound on a particular pump because all the water would clog up the cooling trap. WEll, take a wild guess ...
I will try to summarize the rest of the dilemma, otherwise it will get too long:

- Just how is it possible to distribute pinkish-red crap evenly through a whole rotovap and TWO(!) connected cooling traps?
- I can't just use any lab equipment anymore out of the drawer, because it might not be clean (thank god he is exclusively doing colored stuff, that is easy to spot!). That brings me to the next point ...
- He is too stupid/lazy to really clean his glassware etc. It's so easy: scrub, rinse with water, rinse with acetone, air dry and PUT IT AWAY once it is dry!
- Squeeze bottles with solvents don't refill by themselves! Also solvent barrels don't switch from empty to full by themselves
- Why does he ask me where to get ice if he never refills the f***ing cooler?
- Why does he leave a bucket with ice on my lab chair overnight resulting in a big puddle of condensated water? Leave it on your own!

Argh! Plz dear God ... make it go away!
Closing words for this post: I feel like Vesuvius and he is Pompeji ... if I don't get mollified, there will be fire and brimstone raining down on him!!!


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