A tall redhaired german moving to Madison, Wisconsin? Now that could develop into an interesting story, ay?! Any resemblance of the blog title to movie titles is fully intentional :)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Go Mavericks, go!

Time for some news ...
Found a room in a shared flat and moved in last thursday (May 23rd) already. Sharing with Dan, Steve and Stewi (short form of Stewart?). Had to sleep on my sleeping pad for a week until I got my queen size matress delivered last wednesday ... I was that happy, I almost cried. No more sleeping on the ground for me :)
Whoever is a Google Earth user and interested can get the kmz-file via email.

Been walking around downtown and the Vilas area (that's were I live) a bit, will post some snapshots soon.
On the left you can see the Capitol. Guess every state capitol has one?

First two days at work was reading and reading and some more ... reading, hope to start in the lab next week.

Finally (and that will explain the title of this post) I can watch NBA again and it's not at 4 am like when you live in Europe. Dallas beat Phoenix in the 6th game of the Western Conference Finals and advanced to the final ...

Terrace behind the Student Union North. Nice for having those TGIF-beers ...

NOT the house that I am living in, unfortunatly. It's for rent, though.

Dusk at Monona Bay.


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